Christian Bellissimo

Play to Grow

Photo of Christian Bellissimo

Professional Bio

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Christian is a graduate of Seton Hall University and Rutgers University, with degrees in Psychology and Clinical Social Work. He is a New Jersey Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified School Social Worker.

In private practice since 2000, Christian worked with a number of children who lost parents and family members on September 11, 2001. His work is cited in the book: Middletown, America: One Town’s Passage from Trauma to Hope, by Gail Sheehy, 2002.

Between 2003 and 2010, Christian was also employed as a play therapist by 180, Turning Lives Around, an agency devoted to serving parents and children exposed to domestic violence.

For almost 20 years, Christian served as a contracted provider with New Jersey’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency, for whom Christian treated the youngest survivors of physical and sexual abuse, emotional neglect, and trauma.

Christian also served as a Preschool Intervention Specialist for a school district in New Jersey for more than 18 years. His work with teachers and children in the preschool classroom inspired him to publish Universal Play Therapy: A Guide for Supporting Children’s Development.

Currently, Christian maintains a full-time private practice and is committed to sharing what he has learned in his career with Early Childhood Educators and parents through Play to Grow and workshop presenting.


Parent: Play to Grow

Photo of Christian Bellissimo