Community Listening Session: Southern Region

We are excited to invite you, our EveryChild California Community, to a community listening session for the Southern Region.
We want to hear from you about your experiences in the subsidized early care and education community, your experience with EveryChild California in the past, and your hopes for us in the future. Members, non-members, supporters, and colleagues are invited. If you consider yourself part of the early childhood education community, we invite you to give your input. We seek to hear from as many early care and education voices as possible.
Similar to focus groups, these listening sessions are facilitated discussions, and we aim to learn through hearing diverse experiences, views, and needs. The goal of the listening sessions is to better support the ECE field.
We're thrilled to partner with you and eager to provide an intentional space for our community to converse with each other as much as with us.
Join us. We want to hear from you, our community.