Legislation of Interest
EveryChild CA Sponsored Bills
AB 555 Carrillo: CSPP
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Fact Sheet
AB 596 Reyes & Limon Early Care and Learning: Rate Reform
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Fact Sheet
AB 1038 Rendon & Reyes Family Childcare Home Education Network
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Fact Sheet
SB 380 Limon & Reyes Childcare: Rate Reform
Assembly Committee on Appropriations
Fact Sheet
EveryChild CA Legislative Grid
Click here to access the Legislative Grid. This document is updated weekly so our community will have the most up-to-date information on legislation being considered by the California State Legislature for the 2023-25 session. EveryChild CA has created this document, contact info@everychildca.org for permission to modify.